Monday, January 19, 2009

Prayer for a New Beginning

Today I solemnly reflect upon the current state of the world.

Tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter, as we inaugurate a new president of the United States of America.

This country has potential, definitely. And I am cautiously hopeful that Barack Obama will implement many beautiful, positive changes in our current political system.

Dear God, may Barack Obama be filled with Your Love and Your Grace. May he stand strong in his power and his integrity, unwavering despite the many people who will tempt him to stray from his principles. Please guide him and show him creative solutions to mend and rebalance our corrupt system and chaotic world. And please give him the strength and courage to do all that You will have him do.

Thy will be done.

Thank You, I Love You.
Thank You, I Love You.
Thank You, I Love You.


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