Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Grace of God

Dear God,

I Love You.

My heart is so full of emotion, it feels achy and sometimes it feels so full, like it could explode. I realize that my sensitivity & my deep emotions are a blessing from You. And I recognize how amazingly blessed I am, in so many ways.

Please fill me with your grace, so that I may "step it up" a level, or a few levels, or a quantum leap, so that I may be the most fully capable I can be to do the work You sent me here to do.

My energy levels sky rocket & plunge, an emotional roller coaster ride that feels less than optimal. Please help me to level it out.

Please help me to be grounded & centered in my Self, empowered, graceful, gracious, and joyful.

Please let me be strong & courageous, feeling my emotions fully & deeply, trusting myself and You, and making good choices every step of the way.

Please help me to release my illusion of control & fully surrender to You.

Thank You, I Love You.
Thank You, I Love You.
Thank You, I Love You.



Christopher Roberts said...

You are going far in a journey of no distance. I want to say more here, but the words I want to use won't express the emotions that I feel and that this prayer deserves. So simply I say thank you.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the beautiful picture! May I use it over on my blog this week as I talk of Grace?

Erin Pillman said...

Thank you, Tracey!!! :) Yes, you may!!! xoxo <3

And my more current blog is here if you're interested: www.erinpillman.com